I know what you must be thinking. What a creative title for an introduction post. I tried to come up with something more creative and witty, but it all seemed too cheesy to me. Thus, I decided to stick with "Introduction."
For a grammar and composition class this semester, I wrote a biography poem in free verse telling a little bit about myself; I'll attempt to do the same here, as (at least I think) it's more fun than a generic introduction post. Since I already have a generic title, I may as well write something memorable, right? (Please note that my poetry is far from fluid; I dabble at best, but I would like practice writing in that genre).
Who am I?
Sister, daughter, fiancee;
An ambitious writer, student, creator, and dreamer
With plans and goals,
And whose bane is time.
A lover of words, of reading, and music;
Whose library is large
Yet never complete.
Who desires to see her books in print,
But before that,
To maybe finish a rough draft or two
If her kitten would only stop walking
Across her keyboard
And leaving a line of Zs
All across the page.
My kitten, Jemma |